小米2024年新机阵容曝光:Civi5、小米15 Ultra及Redmi Turbo 4抢先看
小米2024年新机阵容曝光:Civi5、小米15 Ultra及Redmi Turbo 4抢先看小米公司即将在2024年推出多款令人期待的新机型,涵盖高端旗舰、影像旗舰以及性价比之选。 从目前已知的消息来看,小米Civi 5系列、小米15 Ultra以及Redmi Turbo 4将成为明年市场上的焦点...
手机互联 2024-11-28 21:48:58 -
Apple 2024 World AIDS Day Campaign: A $3 Million Pledge to the Global Fund
Apple 2024 World AIDS Day Campaign: A $3 Million Pledge to the Global FundApple is once again demonstrating its commitment to the fight against AIDS with a significant donation campaign coinciding with World AIDS Day on December 1st. This year’s initiative represents a substantial escalation of Apple's longstanding partnership with the Global Fund, a crucial organization combating AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria worldwide...
手机互联 2024-11-27 21:44:34 -
Redmi K80: Flagship Performance at a Surprisingly Affordable Price
Redmi K80: Flagship Performance at a Surprisingly Affordable PriceRedmi's K series has always been known for offering flagship-level features at competitive prices, and the newly launched K80 is no exception. This latest iteration, touted as the strongest standard version in the K series' history, boasts impressive specifications while defying expectations with its surprisingly accessible pricing...
手机互联 2024-11-27 21:06:12 -
Realme GT7 Pro Global Launch: Flagship Specs at a Competitive Price
Realme GT7 Pro Global Launch: Flagship Specs at a Competitive PriceRealme's GT7 Pro, initially launched in China four weeks prior, has made its official debut in the global market. This flagship device boasts impressive specifications, including the powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor, a stunning display, and a versatile camera system...
手机互联 2024-11-26 22:20:31 -
Nothing Phone (3) Geekbench Listing Hints at Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC and Android 15
Nothing Phone (3) Geekbench Listing Hints at Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC and Android 15Recent sightings on Geekbench suggest the imminent arrival of Nothing Phone (3), the much-anticipated successor to the Nothing Phone (2) launched in 2023. The leaked benchmark results, identified by the model number A059, reveal key specifications of what is believed to be the standard version of the upcoming smartphone...
手机互联 2024-11-26 02:24:52 -
红米Turbo 4 Pro和Turbo 4:7000mAh大电池、骁龙8s Gen4处理器引爆期待
红米Turbo 4 Pro和Turbo 4:7000mAh大电池、骁龙8s Gen4处理器引爆期待2024年的手机市场竞争日益激烈,各大厂商纷纷摩拳擦掌,提前布局下一代旗舰机型。其中,备受关注的红米系列即将推出两款重磅新品:红米Turbo 4 Pro和红米Turbo 4,其配置信息已陆续曝光,引发了广大消费者的热议...
手机互联 2024-11-25 22:51:25 -
Redmi Turbo 4:性能升级,搅动中端市场新格局
Redmi Turbo 4:性能升级,搅动中端市场新格局当红米K80系列的热度逐渐消退,市场的目光再次聚焦于另一款备受期待的红米手机——Redmi Turbo 4。据悉,这款新机将直接替代红米K80E的市场定位,并带来一系列令人惊喜的升级...
手机互联 2024-11-21 22:49:52 -
Redmi Turbo 4 即将发布:90W 快充、天玑 8400 处理器及 6500mAh 大电池引领中端市场新潮流
Redmi Turbo 4 即将发布:90W 快充、天玑 8400 处理器及 6500mAh 大电池引领中端市场新潮流近日,小米旗下Redmi品牌新款手机Redmi Turbo 4 顺利通过了3C认证,型号为 24129RT7CC。 这标志着这款备受期待的新机即将正式发布,为消费者带来全新的移动体验...
手机互联 2024-11-21 20:16:49 -
REDMI Turbo 4:90W快充加持,天玑8400首发,开启红米全新十年
REDMI Turbo 4:90W快充加持,天玑8400首发,开启红米全新十年快科技11月21日消息,备受期待的REDMI Turbo 4已正式获得入网许可,型号为24129RT7CC。这款全新机型将搭载高达90W的快充技术,为用户带来极速充电体验...
手机互联 2024-11-21 11:15:03 -
小米Redmi Turbo 4通过3C认证,或将支持90W快充
小米Redmi Turbo 4通过3C认证,或将支持90W快充11月21日消息,一款型号为24129RT7CC的小米新机于11月20日获得了3C认证。知名数码博主@数码闲聊站爆料称,这款神秘新机正是备受期待的Redmi Turbo 4...
手机互联 2024-11-21 09:43:17 -
微软获三折叠手机设计专利,Surface Phone或将采用独特比例
微软获三折叠手机设计专利,Surface Phone或将采用独特比例近日,微软成功获得一项三折叠手机的设计专利,该专利由美国专利商标局(USPTO)审批通过。这项专利被广泛认为是微软备受期待的折叠屏手机“Surface Phone”项目的一部分...
手机互联 2024-11-18 20:20:01 -
加密货币与人工智能的能源消耗与碳排放:IMF副总裁Gita Gopinath的警告
加密货币与人工智能的能源消耗与碳排放:IMF副总裁Gita Gopinath的警告Gopinath在11月17日发布的一条X平台(原Twitter)推文中指出,加密货币挖矿和数据中心对全球能源消耗的影响正日益显著,并预计这一趋势将在未来几年进一步加剧。根据IMF的预测,在基本情况下,到2027年,加密货币挖矿和数据中心在全球电力消耗中的占比将从2022年的2%上升至约3.5%...
区块链 2024-11-18 18:21:07