华为WATCH D2新品品鉴会:24小时动态血压监测,开启个人健康管理新纪元
华为WATCH D2新品品鉴会:24小时动态血压监测,开启个人健康管理新纪元11月30日,华为举办了HUAWEIWATCH D2新品品鉴会,邀请了华为终端BG智能穿戴与运动健康产品线及创新穿戴产品领域总经理冷爱民、上海瑞金医院的李华博士以及众多穿戴设备用户共同参与。本次活动旨在强调通过科学手段监测个人健康指标,倡导全新健康生活方式,而活动的主角正是华为最新一代健康血压表——HUAWEIWATCH D2...
手机互联 2024-12-01 19:27:02 -
Apple 2024 World AIDS Day Campaign: A $3 Million Pledge to the Global Fund
Apple 2024 World AIDS Day Campaign: A $3 Million Pledge to the Global FundApple is once again demonstrating its commitment to the fight against AIDS with a significant donation campaign coinciding with World AIDS Day on December 1st. This year’s initiative represents a substantial escalation of Apple's longstanding partnership with the Global Fund, a crucial organization combating AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria worldwide...
手机互联 2024-11-27 21:44:34 -
三星Galaxy S25+ GeekBench跑分再现:骁龙8至尊版for Galaxy,性能提升显著
三星Galaxy S25+ GeekBench跑分再现:骁龙8至尊版for Galaxy,性能提升显著科技媒体sammyfans于11月27日发布博文,报道了美版三星Galaxy S25+手机再次出现在GeekBench跑分数据库中的消息。此次跑分数据显示,该机型在GeekBench 6.3.0版本测试中,单核成绩达到3160分,多核成绩则为9941分...
手机互联 2024-11-27 15:27:36 -
Realme GT7 Pro Global Launch: Flagship Specs at a Competitive Price
Realme GT7 Pro Global Launch: Flagship Specs at a Competitive PriceRealme's GT7 Pro, initially launched in China four weeks prior, has made its official debut in the global market. This flagship device boasts impressive specifications, including the powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor, a stunning display, and a versatile camera system...
手机互联 2024-11-26 22:20:31 -
手机互联 2024-11-26 20:11:45 -
华为WATCH D2:腕上血压专家,引领智能穿戴健康新潮流
华为WATCH D2:腕上血压专家,引领智能穿戴健康新潮流2024年11月26日,华为Mate品牌盛典上,华为WATCH D2正式发布,这款业界首款符合医疗标准的腕上动态血压表,以其突破性的技术创新,再次引领智能穿戴领域健康风潮。华为WATCH D2不仅为高血压患者提供精准的居家血压监测,更成为每一位追求健康生活方式人士的理想之选,它是一款真正意义上的“腕上血压专家”...
手机互联 2024-11-26 17:38:47 -
三星Galaxy M165G现身GeekBench跑分库:搭载天玑6300,或将配备6000mAh大电池
三星Galaxy M165G现身GeekBench跑分库:搭载天玑6300,或将配备6000mAh大电池科技媒体91Mobile于11月25日发布博文,报道了三星Galaxy M165G手机在GeekBench跑分数据库中的出现。该跑分信息显示,这款型号为“SM-M166P”的三星新机在GeekBench 5.5.1版本测试中取得了单核552分,多核1611分的成绩...
手机互联 2024-11-26 14:34:29 -
Nothing Phone (3) Geekbench Listing Hints at Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC and Android 15
Nothing Phone (3) Geekbench Listing Hints at Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC and Android 15Recent sightings on Geekbench suggest the imminent arrival of Nothing Phone (3), the much-anticipated successor to the Nothing Phone (2) launched in 2023. The leaked benchmark results, identified by the model number A059, reveal key specifications of what is believed to be the standard version of the upcoming smartphone...
手机互联 2024-11-26 02:24:52 -
Billie Eilish荣膺2024年度Apple Music艺人:成就与荣誉的巅峰之年
Billie Eilish荣膺2024年度Apple Music艺人:成就与荣誉的巅峰之年苹果公司在11月21日发布官方博文,正式宣布将2024年Apple Music年度艺人的殊荣授予Billie Eilish。这项荣誉是对这位才华横溢的唱作歌手在其音乐生涯中取得的卓越成就,以及她最新专辑《HIT ME HARD AND HIT ME SOFT》带来的巨大影响力的充分肯定...
手机互联 2024-11-22 06:55:48 -
华为Mate70系列、MateX6和WATCH D2即将发布,预约火爆引发热议!
华为Mate70系列、MateX6和WATCH D2即将发布,预约火爆引发热议!华为即将发布的Mate70系列、MateX6折叠屏手机以及WATCH D2智能手表,已于近日开启预订,引发了巨大关注。尽管全国多地遭遇低温雨雪天气,仍有大量消费者不畏严寒,前往华为线下门店排队预订,这份热情令人动容...
手机互联 2024-11-21 20:22:38 -
三星ISOCELL ALoP:革命性相机模块设计,开启手机影像新时代
三星ISOCELL ALoP:革命性相机模块设计,开启手机影像新时代近日,三星电子发布了一项突破性的相机模块技术——ISOCELL ALoP(全透镜棱镜)。这项技术的核心在于其创新的设计,将传统相机模块的长度缩短了22%,为手机设计带来了前所未有的优雅和精致...
手机互联 2024-11-19 21:15:23 -
SpaceX Starlink to Offer 2Gbps Speeds: A Giant Leap in Satellite Internet Connectivity
SpaceX Starlink to Offer 2Gbps Speeds: A Giant Leap in Satellite Internet ConnectivitySpaceX's Starlink satellite internet service is poised for a significant upgrade, promising speeds of up to 2Gbps, according to Gwynne Shotwell, SpaceX's president and chief operating officer. This announcement, made at the Barron's Capital Group's annual investment conference on November 19th, signals a substantial leap forward in the capabilities of the already popular satellite internet provider...
业界动态 2024-11-19 10:53:47