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安徽省合肥工业大学,HeFei University of Technology,教育部直属的全国重点大学,国家211工程重点建设高校...
Nottingham University Ningbo China
The University of Nottingham The University of Nottingham was established in the UK City of Nottingham in 1881. It received its Royal Charter in 1948 and celebrates its Diamond Jubilee in 2008....
IFT - Institute For Tourism Studies
IFT,Institute For Tourism Studies,IFT旅游学院...
Welcome to Macau Polytechnic Institute
This is the official homepage of Macao Polytechnic Institute.澳门理工学院...
The Hong Kong Institute of Education
The Hong Kong Institute of Education,香港教育学院...
Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong Baptist University,香港浸会大学...