本文介绍15个针对Web开发者和设计师有用的、新鲜的jQuery教程,希望你能喜欢这篇文章,并能从中学到些新东西。 1.Vintage typewriter: The sexiest jQuery contact form ever 2.Shutter Effect Portfolio with jQuery and Canvas 3. How To Build a Sliding Featur ...
1.Vintage typewriter: The sexiest jQuery contact form ever

2.Shutter Effect Portfolio with jQuery and Canvas

3. How To Build a Sliding Feature Slideshow with jQuery

4.Drag Drop Shopping Cart Using JQuery

5.Image Wall with jQuery

6.Photobooth with PHP, jQuery and CSS3

7.HTML5 Grayscale Image Hover

8.JQuery and CSS Single Page Portfolio, a Vertical Parallax Navigation Experiment

9.How To Create a Cool Animated Menu with jQuery

10.Shuffle Between Images Using jQuery

11.Rotating Image Slider with jQuery

12.Animated Scroll to Top

13.Better Check Boxes with jQuery and CSS

14.Expanding Image Menu with jQuery

15.Animate Panning Slideshow with jQuery

原文: http://webexpedition18.com/articles/15-fresh-and-brilliant-jquery-tutorials/